As a lover of the Wasatch Range, I am asking you to please withdraw and oppose The Wasatch Range Recreation Enhancement Act (HR3452, S1883), a piece of federal legislation mandating the sale of public watershed lands to Talisker, Inc. a global real estate development company and managing corporation of the Canyons Ski Resort in Park City, Utah. Instead we urge you to join and participate in currently ongoing local public processes involving comprehensive transportation and resource planning. Pursuing legislation like HR3452 and S1883 is counterproductive to local efforts that have been taking place since at least 2010. By continuing important public dialogue we can work toward finding solutions that benefit the long term future of the central Wasatch for recreationists, skiers, tourists and the overall health and productiveness of our municipal watershed. While the ski industry is a prominent user of our public lands in the central Wasatch, they should not trump the many other uses that take place in these mountains. Experiences enjoyed by people hiking, climbing, bird watching, hunting, fishing, camping, picnicking, wildlife viewing, mountain biking, snowshoeing are equally important to visitors of these public lands and will be directly impacted by the proposed legislation. The reduction of vehicle miles travelled is a noble cause. However, SkiLink caters to a small minority, yet stands to displace a majority. We need year-round, comprehensive transportation solutions that reduce vehicle miles travelled in the canyons and serves the multiple uses that access these amazing canyons 365 days per year. Solutions need to help the Ski industry as much as they help other recreationists, but the ultimate goal must be protection of the water resources while maintaining the scenic beauty of the canyons which draws over 5 million visits annually. As an elected official, representing the diverse interests of the citizens of Utah, we urge you to participate in civic dialogues, aimed at solving the many issues confronting the sustainment of this resource that is vital to our quality of life, our economy, and most of all that provides high quality water needed both for industry and life in this arid valley. Please represent me and work towards supportable solutions and withdraw and oppose these divisive pieces of legislation. ---------------- Sincerely, [Your name]
- The U.S. Senate
- The U.S. House of Representatives
- The Governor of UT
- Rep. Rob Bishop (UT-01)
- Rep. Jason Chaffetz (UT-03)
- Sen. Orrin Hatch (UT)
- Sen. Mike Lee (UT)
- Utah Congressional Delegation and Governor Herbert
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