Current News

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Staff Speaks on Staff Retreat

The Staff of Save Our Canyons talk about their latest Staff Retreat.

Havilah Speaks:
The word "retreat" according to the Merriam Webster dictionary can mean:

1: a place of privacy or safety
2: a period of group withdrawal for study or instruction under a director

Our Staff Retreat was a bit of both, combined with planning (: the act or process of making or carrying out plans; specifically : the establishment of goals, policies, and procedures), strategizing (: to devise a strategy), and snacking (: to eat a snack) - okay, a lot of snacking.

Each year, the staff of Save Our Canyons takes one to two days (usually in the month of October) to reflect on the previous twelve months and to look ahead to the next year. We take time to review our work in areas such as communication, outreach, fundraising, campaigns and issues work, and development. It’s not all note taking and brain cramps though. We allowed ourselves an afternoon in the Wasatch to kick off our retreat (this is the 1: a place of privacy or safety part of the definition of “retreat”). We do, after all, work to protect the beauty and wildness of the Wasatch canyons, mountains, and foothills, so it only made sense that we spend some time out of the office to reconnect with the beautiful, unique, and extraordinary Wasatch.

Day One - A hike to Silver Fork: Reconnecting with the Wasatch

The first day of Staff Retreat this year was a "Walk and Talk" session (more accurately, a "Hike and Talk") in the Silver Fork area of the Wasatch. We couldn't help but stop in awe every now and again and snap some photos of the amazing fall colors. I've posted some photos below. Take a look!

Day Two - Getting Down to Business

The second day of our Staff Retreat focused on the “2: a period of group withdrawal for study or instruction under a director” definition. We spent the second day of our retreat talking about what worked well the previous year and what didn't work quite as well, we reviewed the goals we had set the previous year and we plotted out the work we'd done to accomplish those goals, we reviewed our current campaigns and projects work, and we brainstorm ways to become more efficient. We discussed events, volunteer work, communication strategies, finances and fundraising, membership, and so much more. Every now and again, we would take a step back, take a deep breath, grab a snack (and yet another refill on coffee), and we would tilt our heads curiously at the gigantic white paperboard with all of our multi-colored notes on it. Then, we jumped right back in again.

Overall, we focused on discovering our strengths and weaknesses and putting a plan of action in place to capitalize on those strengths and improve on those weaknesses. Then, we tied it all back to our mission of “protecting the beauty and wildness of the Wasatch canyons, mountains, and foothills”. We feel good about the work we did over those two days and we’ve already implemented a few of the tools and ideas we discussed (this Blog, for instance - what do you think?).

We will spend this next year referring back to the notes we took and we will continue to reevaluate our methods and continue to improve upon them. You’d think after almost 39 years that Save Our Canyons would have one solid system in place, but the truth is, just as the threats and issues and campaigns are constantly changing, so are we and so are our methods. While we have an established history in place, we are a proactive organization and we are committed to remaining current and vigilant in our efforts. Here’s to one more great year as the only organization dedicated exclusively to the protection of the Wasatch!  

Closing Note: At the end of it all, we had the chance to reconnect with the Wasatch, reconnect with each other as staff and as friends, and reconnect to our mission and what it really means. 
Silver Fork Aspens. Photo by Carl Fisher, Executive Director of Save Our Canyons 
Silver Fork Aspens. Photo by Carl Fisher, Executive Director of Save Our Canyons   

Fallen Aspen Leaf. Photo by Carl Fisher, Executive Director of Save Our Canyons 
Fall Colors. Photo by Havilah, Director of Operations for Save Our Canyons

Holding On. Photo by Havilah, Director of Operations for Save Our Canyons  
My Co-Workers, My Friends. Photo by Havilah, Director of Operations for Save Our Canyons

Jen Speaks
Last week on Tuesday, the Save Our Canyons staff ventured into Big Cottonwood Canyon to wander up the Silver Fork drainage.  We decided a fall hike would be an amazing idea, a chance to soak in the last of this beautiful weather, an opportunity to "staff retreat".  

We hiked and talked with our cameras in hand.  All pausing to capture fall in its splendid color.  As we continued to walk up the drainage we occasionally stopped to rest and to hydrate.  After lunch we literally scrambled up Davenport Hill followed by a brief traverse on Emma's Ridge. Up on Emma’s Ridge we surveyed the surrounding peaks and ridges, noticing the ski resorts below.    After that we came down a slope that required you to hang onto certain tree limbs for dear life.  What followed was a steep decent down a deer trail.  Yup, that's right, a deer trail.  Let's just say there was some bush-wacking involved.  Thankfully, we made it down safely.  There were moments when I had my doubts.  However, our day was not just an adventure in Silver Fork.

The purpose of a our staff retreat is to reflect on our work, so during our hike we took some time to ponder the previous years work and discuss the year ahead.   We spent the day connecting with the place we work to protect and preserve, the Wasatch. Definitely an appropriate way to conduct staff retreat in my opinion.  Save Our Canyons is a great organization, fortunate enough to have such a dedicated staff.  I feel very grateful to work with Carl and Havilah, who feel more like friends than co-workers.  I couldn't think of any other team of individuals I would rather work with on a day to day basis.  We work hard for the Wasatch, and occasionally we play hard in the Wasatch. 
Carl Speaks
If actions speak louder than words, then we here at Save Our Canyons are yodelling from the high peaks of the Wasatch. Before the snow flew, the Save Our Canyons staff took advantage of the Indian Summer we were having to look at the splendor of the Wasatch. As people who are committed to “protecting the beauty and wildness of the Wasatch canyons, mountains and foothills,” it is on rare occasion that we find ourselves immersed in its grandeur. Rather, we find ourselves composing newsletters, updating our website, typing responses to Forest Service scoping notices, meeting with elected officials, attending planning meetings, collaborating with our governmental agencies and other interest groups, working with interns and volunteers, etc, etc.

This break from our dreary offices, surrounded by the incessant CRASH, BOOM, BANG of the downtown City Creek Project -- which we called “Staff Retreat” -- was long-overdue. It was time for us collectively, to reconnect with the Wasatch, but also, evaluate our progress as an organization. We couldn’t have picked a better place to do this. Silver Fork Canyon, recently protected from developments proposed by Solitude Mountain Resort, the easternmost boundary of the Wasatch Wilderness and Watershed Protection Act’s Twin Peaks Addition, adjacent to the Flagstaff Mountain expansion proposed by Alta Ski Resort, an area where SOC has recently acquired property, not to mention it has some of the most stunning views in the Wasatch. As we wandered up the trail, it really struck a chord deep inside of me, how someplace so heavily used, so close to so many homes and cabins, within spitting distance of Solitude Resort, is still accessible to the public. I think I can speak for the other two on staff, every time I venture out into the Wasatch, I am grateful to Save Our Canyons and couldn’t be more proud to be part of this family, this organization of friends and stewards, which has fought so hard for nearly 40 years to keep this area as it has been for generations.

I won’t bore you with the details of the events of these two days but to sum it up, we had great fun, extraordinary company, and worked until we our voices were hoarse and could barely keep our eyes open. The take home message: we need to do a better job of incorporating everyone into this family and our organization. We hope you’ll come join in the fun, the frustration, to protect the Wasatch so it can be here for others to enjoy as we all have been so lucky to. We hope you’ll take us up on the offer. 

Friday, October 15, 2010

Diehl’s Back to the Drawing Board, and a New Sensitive Lands Overlay Zone.

This week marked one-year since Terry Diehl presented a development concept for Tavaci to the Cottonwood Heights City Council. Cottonwood Heights wanted to accommodate the Tavaci site with a new zoning ordinance called the Canyon Resort Residential Zone. In the end a Citizen Advisory Committee provided a recommendation to Cottonwood Heights that the CRR Zone was not an appropriate zone for the Tavaci site and that was the end of the CRR Zone. It was a temporary drawback for Terry Diehl.

Since then we have been waiting for Diehl’s next proposal and monitoring Cottonwood Heights as they move forward with revising their Sensitive Lands Overlay Zone. I guess it came as no surprise when I spoke with a city official after a recent City Council meeting and was informed that Terry Diehl would be bringing another proposal to the table. This time developer initiated. However, Tavaci won’t be able to pursue his new concept until the new Sensitive Lands Overlay Zone is adopted.

It will be interesting to see what has come out of the Sensitive Lands Overlay Zone process. Will this ordinance be more comprehensive than the current zone, will it be stronger that Salt Lake County’s Foothills and Canyons Overlay Zone? What kind of limitations will it provide for developing into sensitive lands? Cottonwood Heights seems to be putting a positive spin on the revised zone, claiming it will be so much more. We should know more about the new ordinance in the coming week.

One year later and Terry Diehl is still looking for an “out.” An opportunity to devise a way to develop his property in a manner inconsistent with the Cottonwood Heights General Plan. So it looks like we will have our work cut out for us again.

Click here to read archived articles and information about the Tavaci development on our website.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hike to Red Pine Lake

I wanted to share a few photos that I took on a recent (10/03/10) hike to Red Pine Lake, located in the Lone Peak Wilderness Area of Little Cottonwood Canyon. I found some really helpful information and directions for the hike here.

I started my hike at 10:00am on October 3rd (a late start, I know, but what can I say? It was a Sunday so I let myself sleep in a little). The weather in the city that day was unusually high for October in Salt Lake at 85 degrees, but the temperatures on the trail were comfortable. The sun was shining and there were only a few clouds in the sky. Most of the trail was shaded too, so that helped quite a bit. The weather, mixed with the fantastic fall colors made this one of the better hikes I had been on this year (and I have been on quite a few).

The trail is very well maintained and starts out fairly easy. It's a good thing too, because my attention wasn't on my feet, but on the amazing scenery and fall colors. The aspen were a brilliant yellow gold, complimented by the crisp green of surrounding pine. I couldn't help but stop every few hundred yards to snap another photo - also, I just bought a new camera so I was eager to test it out. I finally decided that if I didn't put the camera away, I'd never make it to the lake, so I packed it away and began making some progress in actually moving toward my destination.

After a short distance, the trail splits between White Pine and Red Pine. I took the right-hand route to Red Pine Lake. From here, you begin to gain elevation. There were two sections that were fairly steep, but they didn't last too long. There are plenty of places to stop along the way if needed to catch your breath, get a drink, and enjoy the views. The hike to the lake is approximately 3.5 miles. You cross a few streams here and there and near the top you have to climb a little bit over some exposed boulders and rocks. Once you get to Red Pine Lake, you can continue on to Upper Red Pine Lake or for those that are really adventurous, you can even take this route to continue on to Pfeifferhorn. I hadn't set out for such an adventure though, so I decided instead to stop at the lake and eat my lunch. The weather was perfect, the lake was calm, and my lunch was particularly good, because I felt like I had earned it. After taking about thirty minutes to enjoy the lake and my lunch, I headed back. By the time I reached the parking lot, the hike had taken me three hours total. Overall, this was a great trail and a great hike. As an avid hiker, I am never happy to see summer end, but this hike eased my min about the changing of the seasons and now, I can even look forward to winter because I have added this trail to my list of places I'd like to snowshoe.

This was one of the steep sections.

More aspen trees.

The view from where I stopped for lunch.

Here's a video of Red Pine Lake. It was an amazing place to sit quietly and picnic on a Sunday afternoon.
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