This week marked one-year since Terry Diehl presented a development concept for Tavaci to the Cottonwood Heights City Council. Cottonwood Heights wanted to accommodate the Tavaci site with a new zoning ordinance called the Canyon Resort Residential Zone. In the end a Citizen Advisory Committee provided a recommendation to Cottonwood Heights that the CRR Zone was not an appropriate zone for the Tavaci site and that was the end of the CRR Zone. It was a temporary drawback for Terry Diehl.
Since then we have been waiting for Diehl’s next proposal and monitoring Cottonwood Heights as they move forward with revising their Sensitive Lands Overlay Zone. I guess it came as no surprise when I spoke with a city official after a recent City Council meeting and was informed that Terry Diehl would be bringing another proposal to the table. This time developer initiated. However, Tavaci won’t be able to pursue his new concept until the new Sensitive Lands Overlay Zone is adopted.
It will be interesting to see what has come out of the Sensitive Lands Overlay Zone process. Will this ordinance be more comprehensive than the current zone, will it be stronger that Salt Lake County’s Foothills and Canyons Overlay Zone? What kind of limitations will it provide for developing into sensitive lands? Cottonwood Heights seems to be putting a positive spin on the revised zone, claiming it will be so much more. We should know more about the new ordinance in the coming week.
One year later and Terry Diehl is still looking for an “out.” An opportunity to devise a way to develop his property in a manner inconsistent with the Cottonwood Heights General Plan. So it looks like we will have our work cut out for us again.
Click here to read archived articles and information about the Tavaci development on our website.
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